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We all like to be at our best and shine. And yet, we power through so often that we’re often operating from exhaustion than creative brilliance.

Fortunately, the remedy is delightfully simple. Take a break. Do something you enjoy. Nourish yourself in some small way, every day.

Recharging isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity. When you may you one of your top priorities, you’ll find lift brightens. Ideas flow. Your outlook positively expands. And you enjoy these moments called life.

Give a whirl this week. Invest in you. And enjoy having more life in your life!

Here are a few ideas to get you moving:

  • Call a friend and make a plan. Having something to look forward to will lift your mood!

  • Get a great book and dive in. Commit to reading 15 minutes a day and lose yourself in a great story.

  • Take a nap. Recharging can actually be quite simple.




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