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Master Your Communication Style

Communication is essential for leading teams, resolving issues, and building trust. However, the truth is most of us are not very effective communicators.

We avoid difficult conversations, fail to listen, and behave in ways we regret under stress––creating more tension and problems to deal with (or avoid).

This 6-month course combines live training, personal and group coaching, and on-demand training to help you build the skill needed to transform the way you communicate, build trust, and create a life with more peace, happiness, and success.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Communicate calmly and effectively under stress.

  • Express your thoughts with clarity, confidence, and kindness.

  • Listen on a level that reduces misunderstandings and deepens connections.

  • Build trusted relationships and elevate your influence.

  • Successfully handle those difficult conversations you dread (or avoid).

September 10

Elevate the Way You Communicate (Copy)

October 8

Communicate at Your Best Under Stress